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With UAE Support, 2020 is the Best Service Year in Electricity Sector in Qalansiyah

January 17, 2021 –Socotra Online

Reporting and Photography: Saad Mohamed Taha

People of Qalansiyah, which is the second biggest city in Socotra after Hadiboh, commended the generous support by Khalifa Foundation in different sectors including electricity. It is worth noting that Khalifa Foundation provides people of Socotra with uninterrupted electricity around the clock free-of-charge.

Mr. Faisal Al Bosairi commended the UAE support to Socotra in general and Qalansiyah in specific. He added that this uninterrupted electricity attributed to the continuous support by Khalifa Foundation.

Mr. Mubarak Salem, Identifier of Qalansiyah, mentioned that the developmental projects by UAE in electricity sector was continuous including the solar power plant. He also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Khalifa Foundation for the great support.

Electricity in Socotra was largely welcomed and appreciated by people of Socotra, especially people of Qalansiyah for such service and vital projects.

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