December 11, 2019 –Socotra Online
Reporting and Photography: Ibrahim Youssef
An expanded meeting was held today in Hadiboh, the capital of Socotra, in which the strategic plan for control of red palm weevil was discussed after detecting it in Dashelhanten causing heavily damage.
Eyad Ali Abdella, Agricultural Engineer at Khalifa Foundation, Fahmi Al Ghatnani, Director of Agriculture and Irrigation Office, and Salem Hawash, Director of Environment Protection Office, attended the meeting, in which they discussed the importance of quick intervention in control of the palm weevil and avoidance of its spread.
Eyad Ali Abdella, Agricultural Engineer at Khalifa Foundation, assured that the Foundation concerned with support of program of red palm weevil control, since it was detected lately, which would be under supervision of the concerned officials in Agriculture and Environment Offices in addition to experts and engineers.