September 27, 2020 –Socotra Online
Reporting and Photography: Mohamed Saeed bin Mohaimed
Members at Development Committee at Khalifa Foundation accompanying with identifiers of Socotra and number of sheikhs and social leaders received Sultan Ali Essa bin Afrar, Head of Development Committee, in the headquarters of sessions of Sultan Ali Essa bin Afrar coming back from the United Arab Emirates.
The attendees welcomed Sultan Bin Afrar, wished him health and hoped that the visit was positive reflecting service and developmental aspects of the Socotra Archipelago. In this regard, Sultan Ali Essa bin Afrar thanked members, identifiers and sheikhs for this and asserted that his visit was fruitful and positive, as brothers in the United Arab Emirates expressed their readiness for doubling development files in the Socotra Archipelago. Thereupon, Socotra would witness developmental, service and humanitarian development. He also asserted that the people of Socotra and United Arab Emirates were in the phase of synergy and cooperation.
In this regard, Mr. Salem Daheq, Member at Development Committee, demonstrated many activities and tasks to the Head of Development Committee, in which the Committee participated in their achievement. In addition, Sultan Ali Essa bin Afrar followed up distribution of relief assistance among the people of 30th November district in the capital Hadiboh.