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Creative Participation of Socotra Children and Girls in the Fifth Edition of Sheikh Zayed Festival

July 27, 2021/ Socotra Online

Reporting: Ahmed Jamaan

Photography: Ibrahim Youssef

Children participated in the Fifth Edition of Sheikh Zayed Heritage Festival in Socotra, which had a good effect in immortalizing the ancient Socotri customs and traditions in their souls and enhancing their cultural knowledge of everything related to the archipelago. In addition, they gained experience in organizing such heritage events that help them gain confidence in the future.

The participation of children and girls was distinguished in wearing the Socotri costume, which was worn by men and women in the past. Their ancient civilization is distinguished in all respects

The cultural competitions, which were held along of the festival, gave a huge amount of knowledge to the children participating in the festival and visitors to all the heritage, history, civilization and nature of the island.

The participation of children in the preparation of the festival events reinforced the broad understanding of how to organize such events and the various stages involved in assembling the materials; their source and distribution to several sections; and what each region is characterized by customs and traditions, which helped them to show the event in a creative and beautiful way.

The festival stimulated children to participate in the various sections that are present in this great heritage carnival, and those participations gave the visitor pleasure in the skill that the child presents to apply ancient customs, which was one of the important and beautiful things that the festival has achieved to consolidate this beautiful legacy for them.

For honesty, the Fifth Edition of Sheikh Zayed Festival was a real opportunity to promote the value of creativity, and to emphasize the celebration of the family, the school and the community, by accommodating its performances to a large audience keen on having fun and benefiting from all various exhibits and events of the festival.

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